Reclaiming the Sacred II | Early Waitlist Enrollment Full Payment

A 12 week journey for women and femmes of color who are ready to reclaim power and wisdom.

Ready to unlearn and break colonial cycles for liberation.

Ready to step into their spiritual sovereignty in alignment with Creation. Ready for the next phase of our soul's journey for collective healing & evolution.

What you'll receive:

  • Access to the content listed below will be granted in the course portal in September.
  • 12 weeks of unlearning, healing, and Decolonial & Spiritual guidance
  • 3 Bonus Imact Teachings + 3 Bonus Guided Journal Workbooks
  • 4 Bonus Guided Spiritual Meditation recordings
  • Spiritual guidance & practices to support you in your unlearning
  • Mobile access to your courses through the Kajabi mobile App.
  • 6 months access

** You MUST be subscribed to my newsletter to receive emails about this program. Please check the subscribe box** 


What People Are Saying:

Dra Rosales Meza has been the first flicker of spiritual light in my life since I embarked on the journey of grief that was my father’s illness and death. Finding her and her teachings has helped remind my soul of its spiritual connections. I am still journeying and learning and fumbling in the darkness, but she has provided anchor points with her wisdom, insight, vulnerability and grace. She is helping me to remember the spiritual openness my father gave me. Her lessons are guiding me to *new* ways of seeing how to be in communion with spirit – ways that I recognize have existed before me and that I feel guided to finding again. I am grateful and humbled that I have found Dra Rosales and her teachings at this point in my journey.

Sol Inés Peca (she/her/ella)

$400.00 USD



There are no refunds

If you commit to Reclaiming the Sacred, you're committing to the entire duration of the program.

You are asked to show up in right relation and integrity with me as the guide, and that includes honoring our agreements and payment as energy exchange. You understand that I am not a corporation and that this work is my livelihood and sole source of income for my family and thus paying is important to receive this offering.

There are no refunds or cancellations. Please honor this as a sacred agreement. If you decide to stop participating before the intensive, you remain responsible for completing your payments in full. 

To preserve the integrity of the peer relationships that get cultivated, and because there are specific trainings that stack upon each other, we cannot accept new members after intake closes.

That means that if someone drops out part way through, we cannot fill their spot. Because the container is a journey, there’s no margin for cancellations or drop-outs and so we cannot offer refunds. If you choose to stop participating before the end date, your payments are still due in full.


Reclaiming the Sacred, was birthed with significant time, energy, and financial resources. ​Once you enroll, you commit to completing the program and making all payments as scheduled. Our commitment to you and prep work begins on the day you enroll.


As a small business, we need you to make payments on schedule in order to be provided for as a family and to pay our team members who all have households and families of their own. We appreciate your integrity and understanding. With this in mind, please enroll mindfully. Please check in with your gut, your schedule, and your bank account before enrolling to make sure this is a “definite yes” for you. Thank you Danielle Cohen for this language that encourages embodiment.

Please note that when you sign up you agree to follow guidelines and codes of conduct and will not share, circulate or reproduce materials or proprietary information from this program. You also agree to respect the identities, privacy, and confidentiality of other members and will not share screenshots, recordings or information disclosed in our group spaces with other parties. You agree to be a guardian of this sacred space. The highest respect will be understood and given.

You also understand that all materials shared are my intellectual property and to attempt to copy, repackage, or take as your own is colonial, & out of right relationship. To protect the space and each other, Members who do not uphold these requirements will have their access revoked.

You understand that this is a professional development program and is not therapy nor healing sessions. You also understand that Dr. Rosales Meza is not a licensed psychologist. By purchasing & checking the terms & conditions box at checkout, you are providing your electronic signature & informed consent stating that you or your representative(s) fully release and hold harmless Dr. Rocio Rosales Meza & Decolonial Healing, LLC. from and against any and all claims or liability of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of or in connection with your session(s). 

Prices are in USD. This is a financial commitment. There are no refunds. This is non-transferable. Please make sure that this offering is in alignment at this time.

We appreciate your thoughtful and considerate yes and putting action behind your intention to be in sacred reciprocity & right relationship.