
Remembering our Worth

Reclaiming the Sacred II

A 10 week journey for women and femmes of color who are ready to reclaim power and wisdom. Ready to unlearn and break colonial cycles for liberation.

Ready to step into their spiritual sovereignty in alignment with Creation. Ready for the next phase of our soul's journey for collective healing & evolution.

Reclaiming the Sacred II Door Open on October 3rd.

Journey held from October 19th 2024 to December 29th 2024

$399 for 10 weeks of Teachings and Guidance

 Join the waitlist to receive $100 off as an early enrollment bonus! 

Sally Mercedes (she/they)


"I was not fully sure what to expect and went in with an open mind and open heart, following the nudge of my intuition. I appreciated getting to go through the content at my own pace and having consistent points of connection through the live calls, which kept me anchored to the material and community even if I was "behind." In reality, it all unfolded in perfect timing, and I often felt nourished by a specific lesson or video on the day I was able to engage.

My life has transformed since this class, in ways big and small, as I have recommitted to liberation for all as my life's work, which includes my spiritual practice, the teachers I learn from, how I spend my time, and how money flows in and out of my life. The wisdom that runs through this class played a significant role in that shift, and I am forever grateful for Dra. Rocío and this sacred container".


Paula achieved other amazing result:

"Danish powder croissant donut marzipan. Donut macaroon cake brownie jelly topping. Jelly cheesecake pastry shortbread halvah jelly-o jelly beans macaroon apple pie."

Laura achieved other amazing result:

"Danish powder croissant donut marzipan. Donut macaroon cake brownie jelly topping. Jelly cheesecake pastry shortbread halvah jelly-o jelly beans macaroon apple pie."

Saludos, I'm Dra. Rocío 

You Are Who Your Ancestors Prayed For

What if your power came from unlearning everything you’ve been taught by the mainstream?

Beloved, it is time for us to deprogram to stop colluding with oppression.

It is time to disengage from colonial narratives that are keeping us disempowered & complicit. 

We need to dismantle the colonial paradigm, AND learn to transmute to RECLAIM spiritual sovereignty, wellness & liberation.

It is time to transmute, remember, & vision new ways.

You were not born to be the strong one who suffers in pain but the sovereign one who RECLAIMS.

A New Paradigm of Care Cohort 3 Opens in May

Be the first to know when enrollment opens and receive early enrollment bonus.

Maria Lua (she/her/ella)

"I appreciate so much about the Reclaiming the Sacred community is that it feels like family that I am missing so much. I am of very mixed heritage and at the same time have indigenous ancestry. There are very few spaces that I feel I can safely show up as my whole self and this is one of them. The strength and teachings I receive from Dra Rocìo and her teachers and guides, and the teachers and guides and ancestors of everyone in the community is the one of greatest gifts I have received on my spiritual journey. I always miss the group so much when the year ends and I cannot wait to sign up again in the new year! The decolonial teachings around spirituality are deeply precious to me and I’m so grateful for all the teachings, protection and support. Thank you Doctora and beautiful Siblings "


Paula achieved other amazing result:

"Danish powder croissant donut marzipan. Donut macaroon cake brownie jelly topping. Jelly cheesecake pastry shortbread halvah jelly-o jelly beans macaroon apple pie."

Laura achieved other amazing result:

"Danish powder croissant donut marzipan. Donut macaroon cake brownie jelly topping. Jelly cheesecake pastry shortbread halvah jelly-o jelly beans macaroon apple pie."

Reclaiming the Sacred is for you if...

  • You are ready to be an active participant in your unlearning & consciously create the next phase of your life from a more empowered & liberated space.
  • You have the courage to dismantle & confront the colonial paradigm.
  • You honor the guidance of the spirit realms & know that we are always supported by them on a divine journey
  • You take responsibility for integrating and embodying the teachings into your life.
  • You are seeking guidance for living well, whole, and free while decolonizing.
  • You have the courage to unlearn the inner colonizer.
  • You are READY and excited, and maybe a little nervous, for this journey and feel CALLED to this journey and me as your guide.


Reclaiming the Sacred II Doors Open on October 3rd.