Harmony In Wellness
Nurturing the Self and Collective
A Bundled Offering For Your
Decolonial & Spiritual Path
Meditations, Spiritual Journeys, and Teachings to Support you in Balancing Your Wellness to Show Up for Yourself and the Collective
3 hours of teachings, healing and spiritual & decolonial guidance.
Begin Your JourneyHERE'S THE problem...
Colonial Violence Harms Us All
We have a sacred duty to show up for the collective and our kin that are suffering.
Because we are not free until ALL OF US are free.
AND ALSO, we have a responsibility to honor our wellness and our medicine.
When so many of our kin are suffering, it can become hard to take care of ourselves. I get it. I've been there... Many times...
But there is only so much our body and mind can take before it collapses...
As hard as it is during times of collective crisis, your wellness matters too.
I want you to know that WE NEED YOU TOO. Liberation must include you too.
We can show up for the collective without constantly harming ourselves (because that's actually what the colonizer wants).
Honoring our wellness is NOT a betrayal of the movement, it is ESSENTIAL to the movement.

here's the truth...
Protecting your energy and cultivating your wellness is necessary when living in an oppressive paradigm.
Because we gotta be in this for the long haul...
... Because we can't constantly be reacting to the colonizer. This is how they SIPHON OUR LIFE FORCE & sabotage the highest visions.
... Because we need to LIVE FOR THE NEW PARADIGM TOO.
...our sacred duty to humanity and our spirituality.
This is how we birth a new world.
Begin Your Journey

How I do it differently
My work is at the same time decolonial & spiritual.
I walk in between the earthly & spiritual realms.
I hold energetic Space as a matriarch and medicine woman.
I am responsive to the energy present
This is not for everyone.
Here we honor the spiritual, the decolonial, & the ancestral.
Here we do not shame nor judge.
Here we gather and learn in right relationship and ground in compassion & respect for all to restore harmony and balance.

Jennifer Elizabeth's Experience:
"Working with Dra has been invaluable to my spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health. I attribute my personal healing journey to be amplified through the spiritual mediation she has assisted me in building. Through these guided meditations, teachings, and ancestral wisdom I have evolved as a human to embody my spirit in the physical
I am forever in gratitude for the connection Dra has assisted me in and created a safe space for women of color such as myself to stand in my sovereignty, trust in my highest and best timelines with wisdom and grace for my ancestors and my lineage. I am grateful Creator connected me to her, because I am a much better woman because of it. Aho"

Sarah T's Experience:
"Even before the meditation, during the preparation ritual, I clarified my intentions and introduced myself to Great Mother Earth. The gifts from the meditation were exactly what I prayed for—I felt strong being carried by Great Mother Earth and comforted remembering how the stars have guided me here and have brought me to do the work. I experienced lightness and healing in the deepest sense—-all the thoughts and feelings of unworthiness disappear with the remembering and understanding of how deeply loved and supported we all are. We are so much stronger together".
Harmony In Wellness
Nurturing the Self and Collective
You can honor your needs AND show up for the collective.
3 hours of teachings, healing, and spiritual & decolonial guidance.
What You'll Receive
Teaching & Guidance
To help you deprogram from the ways the colonizer indoctrinates us to tolerate violence and harm ourselves.
This is intended for ALL spiritually sensitive people that resonate with me and my work and hold decolonial, anti-patriarchal, and spiritual values.
Spiritual Transmissions
You will also receive spiritual transmissions and healing to create the shift needed for you to embody the teachings and show up for the birthing of a new paradigm.
Spiritual Practices & Rituals Workbook
You will receive a workbook with spiritual practices & rituals to help you navigate and transmute the heaviness of the emotions that may come up so that you can serve as a clear vessel and show up potently & intentionally for our collective healing & liberation.
Meet your teacher and Guide
Saludos Beloved, I'm Dra. Rocío
I am a Xicana/Mexicana Seer, spiritual guide, initiated medicine woman, & Counseling Psychology Ph.D., on the Ñusta Paqo path in the Q’ero Inca lineage. I come from a matriarchal lineage and my medicine is very much rooted in the feminine, in matriarchal medicine, and in the Earth and cosmic ways.
My work is potent because of the gifts and channel the divine has given me and because of the powerful ancestors, matriarchs, & guides that show up with me.
The purpose of my work is to support you on your journey and to provide guidance that cultivates holistic wellness, connects you to a deeper sense of spirituality, and brings you back to your ancestors, guides, and your own wisdom & medicine so that together we live in harmony and balance with all of Creation.
I have more than 20 years of professional experience as a healer & teacher, and am able to hold potent healing space for others as this is a skill in my blood lineage, with my abuelita and my mama as my greatest teachers. In my training as a counseling psychologist, I provided and practiced thousands of hours of therapy. While I decided against licensure, I value the skills I acquired through my practice and the mentorship provided by BIPOC psychologists, like Dr. Jeanett Castellanos, Dr. Thomas Parham, & the Godfather of Black Psychology, Dr. Joe White amongst others. The direct practice and mentorship I was honored to receive taught me a psychology & therapy that centered the people, an Indigenous worldview, and liberation.
I am able to hold compassion for all and facilitate healing for them in decolonial work because of my medicine path in the Q'ero Inca lineage and because I am aware that there was a time I did not have this consciousness.
That first-hand experience allows me to meet you compassionately because I see how much of our collusion is unconscious and is seen as "just the way things are", often masked as "progress." I deeply understand how much of a shock and disappointment it can be to awaken to colonial collusion and how what we need is guidance, truth telling, and compassion - not shame and judgment.
My previous work was as a therapist and professor, but my path now weaves ancestral ways and new ways to meet the prophecy of these times. My work is deeply rooted in Earth and Cosmic wisdom. I walk and work in between the earthly and spiritual realms as a claircognizant, clairvoyant, clairsentient, and clairaudient. I come from a long line of healers and was born with psychic, channeling, and mediumship gifts.
I am able to see beyond this ordinary reality to bring forth the highest timelines and visions into our earthly reality. I am grateful to my teachers, Pampamesayoq Don Alejandro Apaza, Don Justino Apaza, & Mesa Carrier and Medicine Woman Marilu Shinn for helping me remember.
The vow I’ve taken as a medicine woman and the agreement my soul has made in this lifetime is to help restore harmony and balance to the world, personally & collectively. And that’s why I offer this work to you.
Here's the details
Course Breakdown

Live Stream Teaching
A teaching to support you in accepting that you can honor your needs and how up for the collective. This too is how we embody ancestral healing & liberation.
Length: 28 minutes

Live GUIDED Spiritual Meditation
A beautiful & powerful guided meditation and journey connecting you to ancient tree to learn the importance of balance.
Length: 50 minutes

Live GUIDED Spiritual Meditation
A potent meditation to help you release and transmute the heaviness.
Length: 47 minutes

Live GUIDED Spiritual Meditation
A loving portal to connect to healed ancestors and our ocean mother to support you during these times.
Length: 51 minutes
The Benefits...
How This Offering Will
Benefit You & Your Relations....
- Identify & unlearn colonial programming that is draining your energy
- Move through doubt, confusion, guilt, anger & other heavy emotions and confidently transmute it into right action so that you can show up for your role during these times.
- See & co-create a path out of this harmful paradigm…and together create a new one.
- Feel a deeper spiritual connection to Mother Earth & benevolent spirits.
- Honor your humanity and your spiritual journey so that you too nourished during the difficult times
- Develop rituals and practices so that you can continue to show up and stay well and resourced to navigate these times and birth a new paradigm.

Cristina Serna (she/ella)
These meditations are a beautiful encounter with spirit and ancestors that we have as we open ourselves to the ritual of preparing our space and our heart to receive it. When we make time to prepare for it, we make time to receive more deeply. Through the meditation, Dra. Rocio takes us on a guided journey to connect with ourselves, the earth mother, and the cosmos and then open ourselves to receive a collective encounter with spirit & our healed ancestors that is usually just what we needed to continue on our journey, especially if we have been feeling weighed or stuck by what we are carrying or by what is happening in our world. There is a release and lightening of the weight as we remember we are not alone. Each meditation is different, and if you are joining each month over time you begin to recognize an evolution in the collective journeying.

Kelsey Fox Bennett Boyd
"I love being in your presence, Dra. Rocio. I love how you hold space for attendees, how you acknowledge how the colonial mentalities are affecting us and guide us to a space of ancestral healing. I was connected to my own ancestors and saw the triskelion (a Celtic symbol). I cried and cried to be seen and loved for my own struggles in this time. To have a space for mourning and deep spiritual connection is always healing, especially in a culture that encourages numbness and disconnection. Thank you so much for these meditations and for all your work. It is needed. I need it!"
Frequently Asked Questions
Once I sign-up what happens?
How long will I have access to the recording?
Is this offering for white folks & men?
How are the teachings made accessible for those who have different abilities?
What if I sign-up and have trouble logging in?
If I decide after I join that this isn't for me, can I get a refund??
Harmony In Wellness
Nurturing the Self and Collective
A Bundled Offering For Your Decolonial & Spiritual Path
3 hours of teachings, healing and spiritual & decolonial guidance.