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Divine Alignment

Decolonizing  for Sacred Work

Our World Needs Your Unique Medicine

to Bring forth the Prophecies


1 on 1 Guidance & Mentorship to Honor you & the collective


For experienced, heart & soul-led leaders & healers who want to continue to expand & deepen their impact with greater alignment & in right relationship.
This is a deep, 4 month journey in embracing your sacred work and offering your gifts to our world in a way that aligns with decolonial and spiritual values to restore harmony and balance to our world.
This mentorship and guidance will support you in feeling grounded and equipped to answer the call you’ve been hearing to embrace & offer your unique medicine…in the midst of these intense times.
….Together, we’ll explore and untangle what is keeping you from fully embracing your path and embodying your power and gifts…


 September - December 2024


$5,000 Unlimited Audio & Text Support

$10,000 Unlimited Audio & Text + Live Guidance Calls

Full & 4 month Payment Plans Available


Here's the truth


And the truth is that when you become more visible in your medicine,

When you begin to step into your power,

When you move into the next phase...

The FEAR can become a both the spirit and human realms...

...BUT, you don’t have to be a victim to this and you don’t have to go it alone.

 The fear can be alchemized and you can call in protection. You can even expand your power and medicine after being targeted. 


Here's the medicine...


I am skilled in navigating this and am called to support those ready to show up for restoring balance and harmony to our world, and serving in right relation.

This requires great skill and support from people who have walked this path because the truth is you can only take people as far as you have gone yourself.

Together, we call in spiritual protection, expand your power in right relation & integrity, alchemize energies , and process the natural human emotions that come up as you step in more fully in your power and medicine.

This is for those who have been feeling & hearing the call and resonate.

I trust that the spirits have called us forth to support you, your medicine, and the collective.

This is for you if:

  • You are feeling ready and maybe nervous & fearful about the next phase of your journey.
  • Maybe your feeling impostor syndrome.
  • Or, you're excited to expand but unsure what is holding you back and keeps you cycling back to hiding.
  • or, you're doing big work already in the human or spirit world and you are needing support to protect your energy & nurture you. I need this too! 
  • You take responsibility for integrating and embodying the teachings into your life.
  • You are READY and excited, and maybe a little nervous, for this journey and feel CALLED to this journey and me as your guide.

This is not for you if:

  • You are into capitalist girl boss sh#t. This is not for people seeking to make lots of money quickly without deep regard & consideration for the natural world and those we serve.

  • You are not willing to exist in right relation with Mother Earth, teachers, guides and solely seek to extract from me and mimic my teachings for your financial benefit.You want to stay hiding, small, and people pleasing.

  • You are not willing to place your needs as important as the collective. Pleasing others matters more to you than your wellness and financial needs. 

  • You do not understand that this offering is about the energetics & the WAY you show up for your business and work.

  • You're seeking therapy and need deep holding space.

  • You are seeking a healer or "guru" to tell you want to do. I offer teachings to expand your consciousness, and activate your inner knowing & sovereignty.

"Your gifts, your power, and your medicine are asking to be honored fully…for your soul’s evolution and our collective healing and liberation."

Everything You'll Receive:


Option 1: $5,000 to be paid in full or in payments

  • Unlimited and personalized audio and text based mentorship and customized guidance over the course of 4 months

  •  All 13 of Dra. Rocío's digital courses

  •  Spirit work that includes Earth medicine offerings and prayers to support your path

  •  Psychic and seer messages to support your medicine and protect your energy

  •  Access to all of my on demand digital courses and guided meditations for 4 months

Option 2: $10,000 to be paid in full or in payments

  • All of option 1 (Unlimited audio, text, spirit work & 13 digital courses) + Three live one hour calls at the opening, mid-point, and for the closing across the 4 months for a deeper and focused dive 


Your gifts, your power, and your medicine are asking to be honored fully…for your soul’s evolution and our collective healing and liberation.


I'm here to support those who have heard the call to expand  & offer their medicine to create a paradigm shift or tend to the collective at these times

My 1:1 work is deeply impactful and also happens at the level of energy and spirit. 

It also requires a lot of me, I show up fully for you & offer all of my medicine, which is why I only work with a handful of people. 

It is also why I use discernment with who I work with because you come into my energy field.

With that in mind, this is a higher tiered 4 figure offering, to honor all I offer and my family’s capacity. If this is not within your financial capacity, this offering is not for you and I invite you into my other offerings that have a wide range of accessibility. 

Thank you for honoring my needs and that of my family's, thank you for reciprocity.

I am so excited about the possibility of journeying with you and supporting your medicine! I trust what has called us forth and know that the spirits will align us if it is meant to.


Meet your teacher and Guide

Saludos Beloved, I'm Dra. Rocío

I am a Xicana/Mexicana Seer, spiritual guide, initiated medicine woman, & Counseling Psychology Ph.D., on the Ñusta Paqo path in the Q’ero Inca lineage. I come from a matriarchal lineage and my medicine is very much rooted in the feminine, in matriarchal medicine, and in the Earth and cosmic ways.

My work is potent because of the gifts and channel the divine has given me and because of the powerful ancestors, matriarchs, & guides that show up with me.

The purpose of my work is to support you on your journey and to provide guidance that cultivates holistic wellness, connects you to a deeper sense of spirituality, and brings you back to your ancestors, guides, and your own wisdom & medicine so that together we live in harmony and balance with all of Creation.

I have more than 20 years of professional experience as a healer & teacher, and am able to hold potent healing space for others as this is a skill in my blood lineage, with my abuelita and my mama as my greatest teachers. In my training as a counseling psychologist, I provided and practiced thousands of hours of therapy. While I decided against licensure, I value the skills I acquired through my practice and the mentorship provided by BIPOC psychologists, like Dr. Jeanett Castellanos, Dr. Thomas Parham, & the Godfather of Black Psychology, Dr. Joe White amongst others. The direct practice and mentorship I was honored to receive taught me a psychology & therapy that centered the people, an Indigenous worldview, and liberation.

I am able to hold compassion for all and facilitate healing for them in decolonial work because of my medicine path in the Q'ero Inca lineage and because I am aware that there was a time I did not have this consciousness.

That first-hand experience allows me to meet you compassionately because I see how much of our collusion is unconscious and is seen as "just the way things are", often masked as "progress." I deeply understand how much of a shock and disappointment it can be to awaken to colonial collusion and how what we need is guidance, truth telling, and compassion - not shame and judgment.

My previous work was as a therapist and professor, but my path now weaves ancestral ways and new ways to meet the prophecy of these times. My work is deeply rooted in Earth and Cosmic wisdom. I walk and work in between the earthly and spiritual realms as a claircognizant, clairvoyant, clairsentient, and clairaudient. I come from a long line of healers and was born with psychic, channeling, and mediumship gifts.​

I am able to see beyond this ordinary reality to bring forth the highest timelines and visions into our earthly reality. I am grateful to my teachers, Pampamesayoq Don Alejandro Apaza, Don Justino Apaza, & Mesa Carrier and Medicine Woman Marilu Shinn for helping me remember.

The vow I’ve taken as a medicine woman and the agreement my soul has made in this lifetime is to help restore harmony and balance to the world, personally & collectively. And that’s why I offer this work to you.


To materialize the highest visions, our visionaries need to be resourced too.

It is time to dismantle the archaic models of work and business that encourage depletion & invite collusion through us praising the hustle & grind.

It is time to shed the patriarchal narratives that are keeping us in hyperproductivity, servitude, and unwellness.

Forcing yourself to work in hyperproductive, restrictive, transactional, dogmatic models of work and business harm you and those you serve.

Instead of complying, I invite you into exploring ways of working that honor your communities and all of you.

Work can align with the divine. Service does not have to equal servitude.

Let us remember a time where we were well, whole, resourced, and abundant so that we can birth the liberatory times we incarnated for and are all seeking.


Bonus Offerings

5 Bonus Teachings + 5 Guided Journal Workbooks ($216 Value):

Bonus #1

Decolonize Your Mind

This teaching is intentionally created as an introduction to the Decolonial & Spiritual path. You will unlearn the ways in which you have been programmed to uphold oppressive systems.

Bonus #2

Guarding Your Spirit 

This teaching is to help you identify colonial spiritual warfare so that you can show up resourced for these times.

Bonus #3

Colonization is the Root of all Unwellness

In this live stream teaching you will learn how colonization impacts our collective and personal wellness. You will be encouraged to understand how your emotions in witnessing colonial violence are an appropriate reaction.

Bonus #4

spirituality must confront the colonial shadow

Unity consciousness is not possible unless we unlearn the ways we are colluding. In this live stream teaching, you will learn how you cannot have true spirituality unless you do your Decolonial Shadow Work®.

Bonus #5

Why we Must not forget the spirit in the decolonial

This is for you if you have felt "too Decolonial" for Spiritual spaces and "too Spiritual" for the Decolonial spaces.


Divine Alignment was a great opportunity to be in community with other healers and therapists, and be guided by Dra. Rocío, who is a deep well of wisdom and knowledge. Her guidance and teachings, were supportive and timely. Her modeling of courage and vulnerability allowed for trust-building amongst the group. Her pace and presence were soothing, which helped me settle into heart and soul.

Dra. Rocío is a keen observer and attuned feeler. She uses her medicine to mirror and sharpen our medicine. Her guidance, reflections, and encouragement is the fan our flame needs.


Dra. Veronica Orozco
Counseling Psychologist

"Work in right relationship can be liberatory. You can honor your needs AND show up for the collective"


Divine Alignment was a powerful and potent container and i am still so grateful for the invitation to participate. this container not only deepened the medicine i received from Dra’s other containers, but also provided profound medicine of its own.
My intentions were to honor my medicine, to learn how to share in alignment with the highest vision, to continue releasing indoctrination that serves as a barrier and healing from it, and to partner with & trust the soul of my work.
From the beginning we honored that we have always done work with the earth and the divine. along the way we got out of alignment, but together we can return to living well.
The way i relate to (my) work has shifted since working with the medicine Divine Alignment has to offer. i feel more free, trusting that if i keep returning and nurturing, the medicine will grow and flow.

Gratitude to the call 🙏🏽


Kai (she/her/they)


How Divine Alignment: 

Benefits You & The People You Serve

  • Learn to embrace a more humane and natural way of working that allows space for rest, joy, ease, and creativity

  • Unlearn the oppressive programming that has you feeling like you have to do it all and that has you feeling shame for charging what you need to live well

  • Learn to be a good steward of your medicine through honoring your capacity, your natural pace, and your season of life

  • Reclaim your identity, medicine, and humanity beyond the hustle and grind. Decolonize your way of working.

  • Learn the energetics of sacred work to decrease burnout and resentment from overgiving and being underpaid, tired, and uninspired

  • Create a work life that is harmonious with the life you want and the liberation we all need


Frequently Asked Questions

Divine Alignment:

Decolonizing for Sacred Work

A 12 Week Journey 

Pay in Full


  • As a self-financed Xicana business & as the sole provider of my family, we would so appreciate it if you would pay in full. This makes a significant impact on my business and my family's livelihood as this is our only source of income (we're a family business). Thank you for honoring if you are able.
  • Additional payment plans offered through Afterpay & Klarna

2 payments of


  • 2 Monthly Payments beginning August to September
  • We do not charge extra for payment plans as we believe this is unjust.

3 Payments of


  • 3 Monthly Payments beginning August to October
  • We do not charge extra for payment plans as we believe this is unjust.

Agreements & Terms

REFUND POLICY: Divine Alignment is offered once a year. If you commit to Divine Alignment you're committing to the entire duration of the program.

There are no refunds. Please honor this as a sacred agreement. If you decide to stop participating before the intensive, you remain responsible for completing your payments in full. ​

You are asked to show up in right relation and integrity with me as the guide, and that includes honoring our agreements and payment as energy exchange. You understand that I am not a corporation and that this work is my livelihood and sole source of income for my family and thus paying is important to receive this offering.

To preserve the integrity of the peer relationships that get cultivated, and because there are specific trainings that stack upon each other, we cannot accept new members after intake closes.

That means that if someone drops out part way through, we cannot fill their spot. Because the container is small, there’s no margin for cancellations or drop-outs and so we cannot offer refunds. If you choose to stop participating before the end date, your payments are still due in full.

Divine Alignment was birthed with significant time, energy, and financial resources. ​Once you enroll, you commit to completing the program and making all payments as scheduled. Our commitment to you and prep work begins on the day you enroll.

As a small business, we need you to make payments on schedule in order to be provided for as a family and to pay our team members who all have households and families of their own. We appreciate your integrity and understanding. With this in mind, please enroll mindfully. Please check in with your gut, your schedule, and your bank account before enrolling to make sure this is a “definite yes” for you. Thank you Danielle Cohen for this language that encourages embodiment.

Please note that when you sign up you agree to follow guidelines and codes of conduct and will not share, circulate or reproduce materials or proprietary information from this program. You also agree to respect the identities, privacy, and confidentiality of other members and will not share screenshots, recordings or information disclosed in our group spaces with other parties. You agree to be a guardian of this sacred space. The highest respect will be understood and given.

You also understand that all materials shared are my intellectual property and to attempt to copy, repackage, or take as your own is colonial, & out of right relationship. To protect the space and each other, Members who do not uphold these requirements will have their access revoked.

You understand that this is a professional development program and is not therapy nor healing sessions. You also understand that Dr. Rosales Meza is not a licensed psychologist. By purchasing & checking the terms & conditions box at checkout, you are providing your electronic signature & informed consent stating that you or your representative(s) fully release and hold harmless Dr. Rocio Rosales Meza & Decolonial Healing, LLC. from and against any and all claims or liability of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of or in connection with your session(s). 

Prices are in USD. This is a financial commitment. There are no refunds. This is non-transferable. Please make sure that this offering is in alignment at this time.

We appreciate your thoughtful and considerate yes and putting action behind your intention to be in sacred reciprocity & right relationship.